11 points examines imperfection and competitiveness by playfully undermining pulse as the main organizing principle of music
Presented at REDCAT Los Angeles, Carlsbad Music Festival, Museum of Contemporary Arts Santa Barbara and Festival Musicarte Panamá.
Concert Version
Federico Llach's score propels his musicians into a game of risk vs. caution generated by an impossible task—performing to the tempo of a “metronome” created by a live ping-pong match. As the five members of the ensemble attempt to anticipate the unpredictable rhythm of a competitive sport they elicit beautifully suspenseful lurches and attune the listener to the sound of human imperfection.
Installation version
Sensor prepared ping-pong table and paddles trigger the previously recorded music following the participant's play.
"Ever wondered whether your competitive impulse outweighs your desire to keep a steady beat? Become a performer in Federico Llach’s “11 Points” and you just might answer this question. Sensors in the Institute for Experimental Table Tennis Research‘s ping pong table will trigger previously recorded music that will take on the herky-jerky groove of your match. Will you strive toward total domination of your opponent, or for that perfect 4/4 beat? Play some ping pong, drink a beer, and find out!"
Photo: Alan Pang